Well Site Geology
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Well Site Geology Course
Wellsite Geologists are mainly involved in evaluating offset data before beginning any drilling operations. The focus of this course is aimed at improving the conduct of data acquisition of the subsurface region. Because the subsurface data acquisition entails big capital expenditure, it is important to obtain quality information for future use in field development designs and drilling operations. The course is aimed at wellsite geologists, drilling and operations engineers and other staff involved in the acquisition and use of well-site geological data. At the end of the course, participants will have grasped the basic principles of well-site data acquisition and quality control. This will focus on the data acquired at the wellsite from drilling, logging, and well testing. They will learn the techniques used in formation evaluation through lectures, integrated with practical exercises. Participants will be exposed to cuttings analysis and oil show examinations. They will acquire an understanding of drilling problems caused by subsurface conditions, and of applications of well-site data in exploration and development.
Course Objectives:
- ACQUIRE the understanding of drilling problems caused by subsurface conditions, and of applications of wellsite data in exploration and development
- LEARN the basic principles of wellsite data acquisition and quality control
- APPLY the techniques used by well geologists information evaluation through lectures, integrated with practical exercises
- PERFORM hands-on exercise of cutting analysis and oil show examination
- MONITOR execution of the phase of a well, make informed decisions, and manage data, and advise on coring and wireline logging activities
- MANAGE contractor activities and maintain quality control on data acquisition and operations
- ORGANIZE end of well activities including reporting, lessons learned meetings and final data distribution
Who Should Attend?
- Subsurface Geologists
- Wellsite Geologists
- Drilling Engineers
- Reservoir, and Operations Engineers and other staff involved in the acquisition, use of well-site geological data, and operations geology.
Course Outlines:
- Petroleum Geology
- Depositional Environments
- Sedimentary Mechanisms
- Impact on Reservoir Properties & Field Operations
- Stratigraphy (Biostratigraphy; Lithostratigraphy, Pressures)
- Drilling Operations (Well Engineering)
- Bits
- Casing & Cementing
- Fluids
- Drilling Problems & Well Control
- Directional (Geosteering & DtL)
- Logging Operations (Acquisition, Concepts, Tools)
- Quick Look Interpretation (Exercise)
- Operations Geology (Duties and Responsibilities
- Well Planning Processes
- Site Survey & Shallow Gas Hazards
- Drilling Program
- Contracting
- Services
- Data Management
- Support
- Wellsite Geology
- Mudlogging Services
- Hydrocarbon Detection (Data Acquisition)
- Sidewall & Coring Process
- Wireline Logs Analysis
- Reporting Exercises (Daily Drilling Report, Lithological & Compositive Well Log, Post-Mortem)
- Wellsite Contracting (Drilling, Mudlogging, Wireline Services, Coring, Quality Control)
- Cutting & Core Examinations (Actual Cuttings & Coring Exercises & Analysis)
- Application to Well Planning & Field Development