Upstream Exploration for Oil and Gas
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Upstream Exploration for Oil and Gas Course
Given the volatility in oil prices today, the economic evaluation of an upstream oil and gas investment is essential. Business decisions involving asset acquisitions, lease-buy assessments, exploration drilling options, oil and gas field development, equipment purchases, and fiscal negotiations all require detailed economic analysis.
Course Objectives:
- GAIN a thorough understanding of oil & gas economic evaluations
- IDENTIFY the main components and CONSTRUCT cash flow projections for your upstream projects
- DETERMINE key elements and determinants involved in making oil and gas investment decisions
- UNDERSTAND and APPLY economic indicators to assess oil & gas industry projects
- QUANTITY and MANAGE uncertainty and risk faced in upstream business decisions
- APPLY Monte Carlo Simulation and other statistical methods in risk analysis to exploration and production investments effectively
- UNDERSTAND, EVALUATE and MODEL both fiscal and production sharing contract terms worldwide
Who Should Attend?
- Geoscientists
- Reservoir Engineers
- Production Engineers
- Petroleum Engineers
- Planning and Development Analysts/Executives
- Commercial Analysts/Executive/Managers
- Business Planners/Analysts/Executives/Managers
- Production Sharing Executives/Managers
- Project Executives/Manager
- Petroleum Economists
- General Managers
- Finance and Account Executive/Managers
Course Outlines:
Aims and scope
• Cash flow analysis
• Economic indicators
• Economic Evaluation Examples
• Risk analysis
• Fiscal system and PSC analysis
• Worldwide fiscal terms
Economic Life and Reserves
How net cash flow projections are critical in determining economic life and reserves. The effects of oil price, costs and fiscal terms on reserves estimates.
The need to measure net cash flow projections with single indicators. The indicators used in the oil and gas industry.
Net Present Value (NPV)
The time value of money. Compounding and discounting. Using a discount factor table and measuring the effect of time and discount rate. Discounting a cash flow projection and calculating NPV. Understanding the meaning, uses, and features of NPV. Valuing petroleum properties using NPV. Preliminary discussion of choosing discount rates.
Real and Nominal NPVs
The distinction between deflating and discounting and between real and nominal discount rates and NPVs. Dealing with the pitfalls of using real NPVs.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The definition and application of IRR. Calculating the IRR.
Problems with IRR
Multiple IRRs – when, how often and how they arise. How the NPV and IRR measures can give conflicting results and how to resolve this. The effect of project delays and the use of IRR.
Calculation and use of payback and discounted payback indicators. The use of discounted payback in petroleum fiscal regimes. Problems with payback.How compound payback is used in some fiscal regimes
Capital Productivity Index (CPI).
Calculation and use of CPI. The use of CPI in oil companies and petroleum fiscal regimes. Capital rationing. Problems with CPI.
Accelerated production example.
Optimizing field development and determining reserves.
Lease-buy decision example.
Sensitivity Analysis
Analyzing the sensitivity of investment decisions to variations in input parameters. Interpreting sensitivity diagrams. The pitfalls in using sensitivity analyses for oil industry investment decisions.
Probability Analysis
Defining and using probability distributions. Means, standard deviations, levels of confidence. Industry-standard reserves definitions and classifications.
Using Probability in the oil and gas industry
Making estimates under uncertainty in the petroleum industry. Combining uncertain variables and issues with adding reserves, adding costs and analyzing economics.
Monte Carlo Simulation
The mechanics of Monte Carlo simulation. Choosing probability distributions. The pitfalls of Monte Carlo simulation and how to avoid them. Reserves estimation using Monte Carlo simulation. Investment decisions using Monte Carlo simulation.
Exploration decisions
The definition, meaning and examples economics for oil and gas exploration drilling decisions. Expected value (EV) versus probability of success lines. Using EV to compare drilling and famous decisions. The effects if fiscal terms and common problems with using EV. Choosing probabilities of success. Valuing properties using EV.
Analysis of example PSCs and fiscal terms in the Asia-Pacific region. Evaluating the severity of fiscal terms. How the fiscal components work. How certain fiscal terms can distort oil and gas project investment decisions. How to avoid potential investment distortion in the design or negotiation of fiscal terms. Examples for Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Australia.
The economic comparison of fiscal terms across the world - severity, and efficiency.
The above is a guide to the topics covered during the course and the approximate timing of the topic. The presenter reserves the right to make modifications to these depending on the delegates’ background and experience and the progress of the course.”