The Well Site Geological Activity in Hydrocarbon Exploration
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The Well Site Geological Activity in Hydrocarbon Exploration Course
Drilling and service personnel struggle daily with the oil and gas industry's inexperienced labor force. This inexperience at the wellsite results in excessive non-productive time, trouble time, and invisible lost time. These, in turn, lead to unsafe incidents and excessive costs to the operator, the contractor, and the service industry. Managing Wellsite Operations teaches participants to apply organizational learning processes; wellsite technical limits analysis, and more efficient use of all resources at the wellsite. Good well planning is essential. However, in spite of very good planning and design there exist geological and reservoir uncertainties, surface and downhole environmental constraints, failed equipment, and misunderstood practices coupled with inexperienced wellsite personnel that are creating unsafe work conditions and driving up drilling cost. Participants will learn how to identify and mitigate hidden risks that often are overlooked during the planning, design, and execution phases of a drilling operation. The participant will learn how to dissect and analyze an operational plan. In addition, applying operational innovations and advanced motion and time processes will lead to improved efficiency of wellsite rotary operations and individual wellsite tasks. Participants will be introduced to models, templates, techniques, and real case studies that can be used on the job.
Course Objectives:
To refresh the knowledge of the well site geological activity in addition, high lighting the necessary skills to interpret ditch cuttings, gas shows, oil shows, electric logs, cross-sections and subsurface maps.
Who Should Attend?
The course is recommended for new geologists & reservoir engineers, operations managers, drilling managers, drilling superintendents, drilling supervisors, wellsite drilling engineers, rig managers, rig superintendents, contract drilling engineers.
Course Outlines:
- Critical elements of effective planning and management of drilling operations
- Design and implement a program checklist for critical well drilling operations
- Investigate various elements of a drilling operation and mitigate visible and hidden risk
- Investigate and perform an analysis of trouble time events, non-productive time occurrences, and invisible lost time for a drilling operation
- Dissect the drilling plan and apply total task analysis to wellsite activities
- Enhance your knowledge of organizational learning systems and transfer lessons learned
- Perform technical limit analysis to improve wellsite performance
- Measure and performance monitoring of the drilling operation
- Maximize the inexperienced resources through total task analysis in a case study to reduce drilling costs and improve safety
- Basic geological techniques: definition &optimization of use
- The necessary skills to interpret ditch cuttings, gas shows, oil shows, electric logs, cross-sections & subsurface maps
- Lessons learned from dealing with some geological problems
- Strategic dimension of hydrocarbon extraction