Instrumentation and Telecom Engineering
Telecommunications and Wide Area Networking (WAN)
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Telecommunications and Wide Area Networking (WAN) Course
With the convergence of telecommunications and traditional data networking, the enterprise is faced with new challenges in application and networking support. Voice over IP, wireless access as well as traditional telephony services have merged and require new levels of support beyond the classical telephone infrastructure.
Course Objectives:
Participants attending the program will:
- Understand the technical features, applications and design considerations of new and emerging telecommunications and network technologies
- Develop a comfortable, practical understanding of how each technology is best applied
- Gain an appreciation of the process of evaluating technologies with a view to judging their suitability for specific purposes, and recognizing associated risks
- Obtain a solid, working knowledge of emerging network technologies, how they are used, what their advantages/disadvantages are, and a comfortable understanding of all applicable terminology
- Appreciate the significant trends in the industry, and gain a vision of what aspects of these technologies are in the process of significant, positive change
Who Should Attend?
- Management, Support staff, Technicians, Network managers, MIS professionals, and others who will be involved with telecommunications and wide area networking, and need a detailed overview of the technology, concepts, terminology, and industry best practices
- This course is appropriate for professionals ranging from junior/intermediate people needing to develop a more comprehensive knowledge base, to specialists in one or more of the embedded disciplines who wish to broaden their professional skills
Course Outlines:
- Summary Features of Networked Telecommunications
- Telephone System Fundamentals
- Network Timing and Control Concepts
- Overview; Network Traffic Characteristics & Industry Stats
- Trends in IT Which Demand New Solutions
- Client/Server Computing Issues and Intranet Application Support
- Multimedia and Graphics-Intensive Networked Applications
- Switching Issues and Alternatives
- Applications Profile and Gigabit Ethernet
- Bandwidth-on-Demand Technologies
- Limitations of Fixed Capacity Networks
- Packet Switching Concepts, Features, Limitations
- Comparison of Conventional and Fast Packet Technologies
- Congestion and Flow Control Issues
- Frame Relay WAN Internetworking
- ISDN - The Family Tree of Frame Relay
- Call Set-Up and Control Procedures
- Frame Structure and Operating Detail
- Committed Information Rate
- Cell Relay and ATM Internetworking
- ATM Adaptation Layers and Cell Structure
- Switching Concepts; Alternatives and Strategies
- Classes of Service and Traffic Shaping
- ATM vs. Routing Architectures and DTM
- Developing The Public Access Network
- The "Last Mile" Problem
- Digital Subscriber Line Technologies
- Cable Modems and DOCSIS
- Wireless Alternatives
- SONET/SDH WAN Technologies
- Wavelength Division Multiplex Systems
- Plesiochronous vs. Synchronous Networking
- SONET/SDH Signal Hierarchy and Procedures
- STM-1 Frame and ATM Encapsulation
- Sampler of New Technology Projects
- Submarine Fiber Optic Cables Systems
- Microwave and Satellite Communications Review
- Geosynchronous Personal Communications System
- Aviation-Based Metropolitan Area Systems
- The Internet Computing Architecture
- Overview of Internet Protocol
- IP Addressing, Routing and ICMP
- TCP and Application Issues
- Next Generation IP and TCP Features
- Real Time and Voice Communication
- Economic Issues Compelling Change
- Voice Encoding and Packaging Issues
- Quality of Service
- Real Time Protocol & MPLS
- Developments in Wireless Technology
- Wireless Systems to Minimize Coverage
- Mobile Data Technology and Applications
- High Speed Wireless Developments
- Mobile Technology; Voice and Packet Data
- Wireless Application Protocol
- Security Issues
- Characterizing Security Issues
- The Role of Standards
- Private Key and Public Key Encryption
- Firewalls and IP security issues