Seismic Analysis of Stratigraphic Sequences
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Seismic Analysis of Stratigraphic Sequences Course
Course Objectives:
The overall objective is to introduce Exploration Geologists, Geophysicists and reservoir engineers to the key concepts and principles that form the technical basis for the different geophysical techniques and geologic structures, and value-added seismic applications in exploration, field appraisal, and reservoir management. Learning these objectives are at basic awareness and knowledge levels. Emphasis is on the synergistic teamwork, seismic rock properties, Explain the basic principles of seismic wave propagation, principles of the seismic system, Understand principles of marine and land seismic acquisition, Identify and understand the basic steps required to process and interpret seismic data, and Understand the principles and role of special seismic techniques such as inversion, attributes, and AVO. The course design allows ready adaptation to shorter or longer versions and direct linkage to advanced treatment of specific topics.
Who Should Attend?
Geologists, Geophysicists and Reservoir Engineers.
Course Outlines:
Synergistic teamwork
- For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it's at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. In present-day companies teamwork is a must for the co-ordination of departments, in the oil industry, there are various departments, and there must be coordination between them. One of these teams is the exploration team, the course explains who are the team members, how they interact, and what sort of data each one is using according to his specialty, in order to by the end get the integrated work to explore for oil and gas.
- Differentgeophysicaltechniquesandgeologicstructures:
including overview for other geophysical techniques, including theory, acquisition, corrections, and maps interpretations. - SeismicWavePropagationPrinciples:
including wave theory, different types of seismic waves, and there physical properties and applications - RockPhysicsBasics:
physical properties of the rocks, and their relations with seismic waves - Introduction to seismic acquisition and processing.
- Introduction to seismic technology.
Seismic acquisition & processing
- AcquisitionPrinciplesandImplementation
- Effect of the acquisition on interpretation, spatial sampling, and aliasing, noise types.
- How to attenuate noise in the field.
- Land & marine sources & recording instruments.
- 2D & 3D acquisition.
- Seismic Data Processing:
- Data processing flows
- Demultiplex, sorting, gain, phase, deconvolution, velocity filtering, multiple attenuation TVF filters, display, time migration, and data enhancement.
Seismic Technologies
- AVO (amplitude versus offset), inversion and AVB (amplitude versus bandwidth), theory and applications.
- Shear wave and fracture detection.
- Seismic rock properties including vp, vs , density and Poisson's ratio and their relations with gas saturation.
- Pressure detection using seismic, and the relation between various rock properties and pressure.
- Borehole seismic
- Standard VSP, Deviated well VSP, offset VSP, walkaway vsp
Why VSP?
1) To provide a direct relationship between surface seismic data and well information. This relationship may help remove ambiguities in the interpretation and non-uniqueness in the inverse process.
2) Expected to give additional and complementary seismic values to be used in data processing (e.g., interval velocity, zero-phase reflectivity).
3) To make “deterministic” deconvolution
4) Used for direct measurement of how lithology affects the seismic wavefield near the well or similarly how the seismic response can be related to the lithology.
- Practicalinterpretationproject(exercise)
Basics of seismic interpretation (2D, 3D) - Workshop on seismic interpretation project (interpret lines, mapping horizons, and faults), General discussions, technical problems solving and consulting