Reservoir Quality Analysis of Sandstone and Carbonate Rock-Types
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Reservoir Quality Analysis of Sandstone and Carbonate Rock-Types Course
This training course is aimed at giving the oil industry geologists a detailed introduction to the study of sandstone and carbonate rock-types in terms of reservoir quality. Reservoir quality analysis permits to identification the main depositional, provenance and diagenetic controls on the evolution of the poro-perm characteristics of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs (e.g. evolution of porosity vs. burial depth, mineralogical content and diagenetic environments). Examples from sandstone and carbonate oil/gas reservoirs (i.e. current East & West Africa basins) are also taken into consideration.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this training course, participants will:
- Understand what are the different types of sandstone hydrocarbon reservoirs and their main controls on reservoir quality
- Understand what are the different types of carbonate reservoirs and their main controls on reservoir quality
- Be able to differentiate depositional, provenance and diagenetic markers of analyzed sandstones and carbonates
- Be able to integrate and interpret poro-perm data vs. stratigraphy and regional geology (e.g. well correlations)
- Understand the main rock-based methodologies of analysis applied to reservoir quality studies
- Be conversant with the concepts of Rock typing and petrophysical comparison of cuttings and core samples
Who Should Attend?
This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Sedimentary geologists of service and oil companies
- Junior to mid-level geologists carrying out rock-based geological projects
- Sedimentologists who need to be conversant on rock typing concepts
- Petrography’s of small and large oil-industry organizations
- PhD students in sedimentary geology of academic institutions
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Siliciclastic Reservoirs
- Siliciclastic rocks, sediment texture, detrital components
- Sandstone classification, minerals and source areas, depositional markers
- Sandstone composition, provenance and tectonic settings
- Grain size analysis and Digital Image Analysis
- Depositional environments, Provenance and reservoir quality
- Definition of matrix and pseudo-matrix
- Compaction and authigenic components
- Diagenesis of siliciclastic rocks, diagenetic environments & sequences
- Concepts of SEM, EDAX and XRD analyses, chronology of diagenesis
- Concepts of CL analysis on the distribution of quartz cement
Reservoir Quality Analysis of Sandstone Rock-Types
- Reservoir quality definition and methods of work
- Cementation and reservoir quality
- Porosity types in sandstones
- Porosity-permeability analysis and interpretation, cuttings TS descriptions/analysis tied to wireline logs
- Estimating subsurface reservoir quality from outcrop samples.
- Rock Typing, Petrophysical assessment of cuttings, rock typing analysis of cuttings petro-types
- Rock Typing classification scheme(s) as from oil industry methodologies
- Rock Typing and reservoir quality
- Diagenetic controls on reservoir quality and porosity variation with depth & stratigraphy
Introduction to Carbonate Reservoirs
- Introduction of carbonate reservoirs.
- Components of limestones, Carbonate depositional environments and facies, calcite vs. aragonite seas in the geological record
- Matrix and authigenic components, Taxa vs. mineralogy, classification of limestones
- Rates of carbonate production, microfossils, paleo environmental markers, carbonate platform facies, carbonates and sea level changes, regional carbonate petrography vs. stratigraphy
- Carbonate diagenesis: neomorphism, compaction, marine diagenesis, meteoric diagenesis, burial diagenesis
- Diagenetic markers, Carbonate diagenetic stages
- Dolomite textures and stable isotope signatures
Reservoir Quality Analysis of Carbonate Rock-Types
- Carbonate diagenesis and reservoir quality, Dolomite texture vs. Petrophysics, dolomitization models, limestone vs. dolostone reservoir quality
- Porosity in carbonate rocks, classification schemes, Petrophysics by carbonate rock-types, porosity preservation, visual estimation of porosity vs. point count porosity
- Controls on reservoir quality, rock fabric and wireline logs, porosity evolution vs. geological time
- Carbonate reservoir models and reservoir quality, porosity vs. petro-facies
- Rock Typing concepts, Petrophysical assessment of cuttings, rock typing classification schemes, Rock Typing datasheets, Rock Typing and reservoir quality
- Emphasis on single well or multi-well studies, with regional reservoir quality correlations
Examples of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs and Practical work
- Cretaceous siliciclastic reservoirs from North, East and West Africa
- Italian carbonate reservoirs, Angolan Pre-Salt (Pre-Aptian) reservoirs, Kenyan carbonates, Indonesian carbonate reservoirs, New Zealand carbonate reservoirs, Oman reservoirs
- Practical session in polarizing microscopy on Texture, composition, diagenesis, porosity and reservoir quality of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks-types
- Visual estimation of sandstone and carbonate porosity. The porosity of core samples (point count porosity) and point count porosity vs. CA data
- Differences in the controls on reservoir quality between sandstones and carbonates
- SEM/EDX/XRD Images and plots