Quality and Excellence in Public Relations and International Protocol
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Quality and Excellence in Public Relations and International Protocol Course
First impressions are often made within seven seconds of a meeting and are difficult, if not impossible, to change. Among other things, this course helps you leave a great first impression. It also addresses how to deal with others in a business setting taking into account differences in culture and region. Since business is often conducted over lunch or dinner, dining skills can also impact someone’s opinion of you as a potential business partner. During the five days of this course, you will also get tips on how to apply proper manners and business etiquette in many different settings. In addition, many diplomatic 'incidents' occur due to the personnel's lack of understanding of various protocol standards. Therefore, a portion of the course is dedicated to introducing the international rules of protocol that need to be implemented during formal occasions and visits. Participants gain the knowledge to: Manage complex protocol and diplomatic events for visiting dignitaries and delegations, understand cross-cultural nuances to negotiate strategically worldwide, cultivate a sense of presence and diplomatic leadership to inspire clients, colleagues and guests. The Protocol and Etiquette Certification Course will cover the following topics important to develop good business etiquette and understand and follow business protocol.
Who Should Attend?
This Quality and Excellence in Public Relations and International Protocol course is ideal for:
- Office managers of CEOs / General managers and executive secretaries at high-ranking staff offices.
- Government and Industry Protocol Officers
- Embassy Personnel
- Government Relations, International Marketing and Sales Representatives
- Meeting and Special Event Planners
- International Corporate and Government Representatives
- Private Consultants
Course Outlines:
Module 1-What a Public Relations Does
- Public Relations Roles
- Creating a Public Relations Plan
- Media Relations
- Writing for Your Client
- Working with Websites
- Using social media
- Crisis Communication
Module 2-Developing Your Skills
- Writing Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Personal Attributes
- Gaining Experience
- Types of Employers
- Job Hunting
- Interviewing
- Writing a Business Plan
- Setting Up Your Office
- Setting Your Rates
- Working with Subcontractors and Vendors
Module 3-Basic concepts of The Strategies (SSLD)
- Types of Clients
- Marketing Your Services
- Working with New Clients
- Preparing Proposals
- Basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD), their relevance for every day relationships and provide advanced concepts for participants who work in fields of social work and health care
- Basic practice principles and methods of SSLD, illustrated by relationship management case studies.
- The SSLD framework for relationship management assessment; N3C (needs, circumstances, characteristics, capacity) and problem translation.
- Core competencies in the relationship management application of the SSLD system: Observation learning, simulation, real life implementation, review and monitoring.
Module 4-International Protocol
- Modern Diplomacy
- Diplomatic Leadership
- Presentation Skills that Impress
- Diplomatic Negotiations
- Arrivals & Departure Systems
- Diplomatic Event Management
- Builds stronger relationships
- Promotes a positive atmosphere and work culture
- Reflects confidence
- Prevents misunderstandings
- Enhances company profile
- Promotes cross-cultural awareness
Module 5-Protocol Tips to Improve Company Culture
- Solicit feedback
- Maintain visibility
- Non-verbal communication matters
- Behave impressionably in meetings
- Respect everyone
- Give appreciation
- Punctuality is key
- Don’t gossip
- Be professional at the dining table
- Dress appropriately
Module 6-Seven “C’s” of Effective Business Communication
- Completeness
- Concreteness
- Courtesy
- Correctness
- Clarity
- Consideration
- Conciseness
Module 7-Factors Determining Communication Methods in Business Protocol
- Required formality
- Need for documentation
- Urgency of response
- Required level of detail
- Number of people involved
- Sensitivity of information
Module 8-Some Business Communication Methods Requiring Business Etiquette and Protocol
- Face-to-face communication
- Telephone