Public Private Partnership (PPP): Project, Finance and Contracts
Schedule & Fees
Start Date:
08 Sep 2025
End Date:
19 Sep 2025
New York
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Public Private Partnership (PPP): Project, Finance and Contracts Course
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can be a tool to get more quality infrastructure services to more peop le. When designed well and implemented in a balanced regulatory environment, PPPs can bring greater efficiency and sustainability to the provision of public services such as energy, transport, telecommunications, water, healthcare, and education. PPPs can also allow for better allocation of risk between public and private entities.
A Public-private partnership (PPP) is well-established for the construction of economic and social infrastructure and are now used in more than half of the world’s countries. The model is well-established for the construction of economic infrastructure such as roads, bridges and public transport systems but it is also used for social infrastructures such as schools, prisons, and hospital.
It relies on the recognition that public and private sectors each have certain advantages relative to others in performing specific tasks. The responsibilities of the private sector could entail finance, design, construction, operation, management and maintenance of the project.
This 8 Days course aims to do just that. Beginning with an in-depth understanding of how PPPs work, from financial, commercial, project & legal aspects, we seek to push our participants to innovate with real life case studies, group discussions and technical evaluation.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) training Course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the role of PPPs in project finance.
- Understand the role of the private public sector in project finance and service delivery.
- Identify other options for funding public infrastructure, including their pros and cons.
- Appraise and allocate project risks.
- Learn vital lessons from PPP case studies in the UK and other countries.
- Design and manage PPP legal, regulatory & institutional frameworks to attract investors and complete PPP transactions
- Apply models for the efficient design and completion of PPP feasibility studies
- Understand project financing requirements and evaluate PPP financial models for both affordability and bankability
- Evaluate and apply different credit enhancement techniques to ensure PPP bankability, including blended financing, viability gap funding (VGF), partial guarantees, risk insurance products, output-based aid (OBA) and other financial instruments
- Design PPP transaction implementation plans and manage & oversee PPP transaction advisors for reaching commercial closure and financial closure
- Models for PPP tender documents, including PPP Project Information Memoranda (“InfoMemos”), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- International models for designing and drafting PPP contracts & agreements
- Environmental & social impact mitigation techniques to structure sustainable private investments in public infrastructure
- Plans for managing sustainable PPP contracts including ensuring technical performance, quality of service delivery, price review & adjustment regulatory models, legal contract management and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques
Who Should Attend?
A Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Course is ideal for:
- Members of the top management of public and private sector organizations responsible for making decisions with regard to financing options for public sector projects.
- Financers and other banking officials involved if such initiatives are opted for project completion
- Contract managers who play important roles in developing, negotiating and managing Private Finance Initiatives contracts
- Tax authorities to manage or monitor costs and taxes incurred by taxpayers as a result of Private Finance Initiatives
- Legal authorities and compliance experts to ensure that all contracts and agreements are abiding the law and compliant with expected universal standards
- Any other private or public sector professional who are part of agreements related to Private Finance Initiatives s or who would like to play roles in PFI associations
- Commercial managers, Finance managers, Contracts and purchasing managers and executives
- Sales support team members and Business development managers
- Anyone seeking to negotiate the best deal on terms of sales and purchase contracts
Course Outlines:
Understanding PPPs: Definition, Rationale & Requirements
- Definition of Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) & range of deferent PPP contracting modalities
- Understand all key phases of the PPP project cycle & their requirements
- Specific required government tasks and decisions throughout the PPP project cycle
- The specific role of PPP advisors and practical techniques for how to manage and oversee them
- Case Study: PPP structures & results from energy & transport sector PPP programs and transactions
Requirements for Effective PPP Frameworks: PPP Policies, Laws, Regulations & Units
- Key elements of PPP frameworks: policy, strategy, laws, regulations, institutions, model procedures & guideline manuals
- PPP policy statements & strategies
- Key requirement of PPP laws – key clauses for ensuring PPP affordability, transparency, and value for money (VFM)
- Designing & managing effective PPP Units
- Case Study: PPP frameworks, outcomes & lessons
Identifying & Selecting Appropriate Projects for PPPs: Methodologies & Techniques
- Understand the key criteria for selecting candidate projects for PPPs
- Models for designing multi-criteria analysis in selecting PPP project candidates & applying PPP Fiscal Risk Affordability Management (PFRAM) models to determine public financial sustainability
- Designing & drafting PPP project concept paper
- PPP pre-feasibility studies, implementation plans & terms of Reference (ToR) for PPP feasibility study consultants
- Exercise: Evaluating a portfolio of candidate PPP projects
Managing & Completing PPP Feasibility Studies: Models for Preparing Sustainable PPP Investments
- How to oversee & manage PPP consultants & advisors for completing feasibility studies & producing viable PPP business cases
- Identify, analyse, and allocate all relevant PPP project risks
- Harmonize the conclusions, findings, and recommendations of each feasibility study into a coherent PPP business case
- Develop measurable, enforceable & “cost-able” output-based performance standards for the specific infrastructure sectors: transportation / ICT / energy / water / wastewater / hospitals / schools, etc.
- Case Study: Infrastructure PPP feasibility studies
Understanding PPP Financing Requirements: PPP Financial Models & Techniques for Ensuring PPP Bankability & Affordability
- Key requirements & differences between infrastructure financing strategies: Sovereign Finance vs. Corporate Finance vs. Project Finance
- Understand all key financial analysis measures & statements of PPP viability
- Evaluate, understand and critique PPP financial models prepared by specialist PPP consultants transaction advisors
- Employ different credit enhancement options to strengthen PPP financial viability and bankability for financing
Managing & Overseeing PPP Procurements & Transaction Advisors: Tendering Documentation & Reaching Transaction Closure
- Select PPP procurement options
- Select appropriate PPP tendering technical and financial qualifications and award criteria for specific sectors
- The process of designing, drafting and reviewing PPP tender documents, including RFQs, RFPs, Draft PPP Contracts, Investment Memoranda, etc.
- Effective techniques to market, promote, and attract investors & lenders to infrastructure PPP investments
- Effective PPP transaction management techniques to ensure awarded PPP reach commercial and financial closure
PPP Stakeholder Management & Sustainability Techniques: Models for Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Impact Analysis & Mitigation