Numerical Analyses in Geotechnical Engineering and Computer Applications
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Numerical Analyses in Geotechnical Engineering and Computer Applications Course
Over the past ten years, the use of sophisticated numerical techniques to analyze geotechnical problems has grown significantly. Such methods are now being used routinely in design, with many software packages available for performing the analysis. Due to the nonlinear nature of soil behavior, the theory used by these programs is non-unique and therefore there are major differences in the way programs function. This can result in much confusion for the user.
Course Objectives:
The Five-day course consists each day Case studies that illustrate the full range of problems are a feature of the course which enhances the understanding of the theoretical principles.
Who Should Attend?
The course should be of interest to a wide range of practicing civil engineers and numerical analysts at different stages in their careers. As course numbers will be limited, early booking is advised. The Attendance will be awarded to all participants on successful completion of the course.
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics
- Role of numerical modeling in geotechnical engineering
- A Finite Element Program – PLAXIS
Finite Element Method (P&Z Sections 2.1-2.6)
- The finite element “approximation”
- Finite element formulation
- Isoperimetric elements (quadrilateral, triangle)
- Development of finite element mesh
- Numerical procedures
Constitutive Laws for Soil
- Linear Elasticity (P&Z Sections 5.1-5.6)
- Theory
- Isotropic/Anisotropic
- Plane strain/plane stress/ax symmetry
- Linear Elastic-Perfectly Plastic (P&Z Sections 6.1-6.8, 7.1-7.7)
- Theory
- Yield Functions