Introduction to Bond Markets Qualification (IBMQ)
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Introduction to Bond Markets Qualification (IBMQ) Course
The Bond Market is a global credit market where individuals and governments can lend and borrow money. There they can create debts as their principal activity, or buy and sell debts as their secondary market.
The Introduction to Bond Market Qualification (IBMQ) is an introductory-level program intended for anyone seeking a sound foundation in the analysis of fixed-income securities.
The syllabus offers an overview of fixed-income market products and participants and explains the key features of fixed-income securities including government bonds, corporate bonds, and many more. In addition, it provides candidates with the basic quantitative tools they will need to begin analyzing fixed-income securities.
Course Objectives:
By completing this Introduction to Bond Markets Qualification (IBMQ) course you will be able to:
- acquire a sound understanding of the risk and return characteristics of fixed-income securities, including sovereign bonds, investment-grade and high-yield corporate bonds, inflation-linked bonds, securitizations, and covered bonds
- learn how to use and interpret market-standard measures of interest rate risk and credit spreads, as well as how to apply these measures to construct and evaluate trades that express views about the level of interest rates, the shape of the yield curve, and relative value in credit risky bonds
- learn how inflation-linked bonds protect investors from inflation risk and provide opportunities for trading views on expected inflation, and how securitizations and covered bonds expand opportunities for investors while diversifying financing sources for financial institutions
- learn how bonds are issued and traded, and how regulatory changes and technological development are transforming fixed-income markets
Who Should Attend?
Introduction to Bond Markets Qualification (IBMQ) Training Course is intended for:
- Anyone who requires a firm grounding in global bond markets and fixed-income analysis as part of their professional development.
- Anyone who is entering or has recently entered positions in fixed-income markets,
- Whose responsibilities require an understanding of fixed-income securities and markets. This might include, for example, professionals whose primary responsibilities are legal, regulatory, or technology-related, as well as those working directly in fixed-income trading and investment management.
Course Outlines:
• Fixed Income Markets
• Fundamental Features of Bonds
• Bond Types and Market Sectors
Analyzing Bonds
• Bond Price Quotation and Accrued Interest
• Calculating Accrued Interest
• Bond Price and Yield
• Calculating Yield to Maturity
Government Bonds and the Yield Curve
• The Yield Curve
• Monetary Policy and the Yield Curve
• Interest Rate Risk
• Trading the Yield Curve
Corporate Bonds
• Credit Risk in Corporate Bonds
• Credit Ratings and Credit Spreads
• Securitization
• Covered Bonds
Inflation-Linked, Green, and Social and Sustainability Bonds
• Why Investors Care About Inflation
• Inflation-Linked Bonds
• Green Bonds
• Social and Sustainability Bonds
Issuing and Trading Bonds
• Issuing Bonds in the Primary Market
• Secondary Market Trading
• Regulation