Integration of Petrophysics and Core Analysis
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Integration of Petrophysics and Core Analysis Course
Petrophysics is the study of physical and chemical rock properties and their interactions with fluids. While, core analysis is used to define not only the porosity and permeability of the reservoir rock, but also to unearth the fluid saturation and grain density. These petrophysical measurements help petrophysicist, reservoir engineers and other relevant professionals to understand the condition of the well and its productivity. During this course the concept of core preparation, core measurement, core analysis types and procedures will be explained. The petrophysical rock properties such as porosity, permeability, saturation and porosity-permeability relations will be studied. The relationships between these parameters under in situ conditions will be discussed. The measurements and physics of well logging tools to methods for interpretation of these parameters will be applied. The understanding of well logging environments will be addressed. The trainer will provide the relationship between core analysis data and logging measurements for depth matching, understanding abnormal log readings and to obtain different petrophysical parameters. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to know core-log relations importance in solving or explaining many problems of logging measurement and rock properties. It is also important to define depositional and textural information, reservoir connate water, permeability and lithology.
Course Objectives:
- Understand concepts of core preparation, core measurements and core analysis types.
- Identify Petrophysical rock properties such as porosity, permeability and saturation
- Determine core-log Petrophysical parameter relationship; core-log gamma and porosity; and permeability-porosity relationship
- Acquire knowledge on Petrophysical parameters from core and log measurements
- Determine and understand parameters; a,m,n from Special Core Analysis (SCAL)
- Identify lithology from core and log
- Application of Core-Log Relationship for formation evaluation; water saturations in the uninvaded and invaded zones
- Understand the relation between dipmeter features and core description
- Learn depositional environment and sedimentary sequences from core and log
Who Should Attend?
The course is designed for all professionals with background and experience in petrophysics, whose role of job requires extensive knowledge of core and log concepts and integration. They include petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, geoscientists, reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, and other E&P professionals.
Course Outlines:
Core Analysis
- Objectives of Core Analysis
- Core Preparation
- Core Samples
- Core Measurement
- Types of Core Analysis
- Core Analysis Procedures
Reservoir Rock Properties
- Porosity
- Saturation
- Permeability
- Permeability and Porosity Relationships
Logging Measurements
- Introduction Logging
- Environments Open-Hole
- Logging Tools
- Lithology Tools
- Porosity Tools
- Resistivity Tools
- Dipmeter Tools
Core-Log Petrophysical Parameter Relationship
- Core-Log Gamma
- Core-Log Porosity
- Permeability-Porosity Relationship
- Permeability-Resistivity Relationship
Petrophysical Parameter from Core and Log
- From Core Measurement
- Parameters ‘a’, ‘m’, & ‘n’ from SCAL Data
- Effects of ‘m’ on ‘Sw’ From Log Measurements
- Parameters ‘m’, ‘Rw’ & ‘n’ from Pickett’s Plot
- Parameter ‘m’ from Logs using Core Data
Application of Core-Log Relationship for Formation Evaluation
- Water Saturation in the uninvaded zone
- Water Saturation in the invaded zone
- Basic Relations of ‘Sw’
Determination Dipmeter Relation with Core Data
- Fullbore Formation Micro Imager
- Sedimentary Features
- Structural Analysis
Depositional Environment and Sedimentary Sequences from Core and Log
Case Studies: on “Bitumen & Lithofacies identification from log measurements using core analysis data” in carbonate reservoir (limestone) in Arabian Gulf applying modern techniques. Third Case Study on “Variable ‘m’ from SCAL and log data” applied in Oil carbonate in Arabian Gulf (UAE and gas sandstone in Western Desert (Egypt).