Geographical Information System
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Geographical Information System Course
Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis is one of the major GIS functions, that performs heavy-duty GIS processing to produce additional and analytical spatial information using various GIS analysis tools. Topics include the importance of validated databases, GIS design, data structures, producing map products, and spatial analysis. The laboratory will focus on the application of a common GIS software package to science and engineering projects.
This course describes tasks and issues that project managers must address at different stages of GIS project development by striking a balance between theory and practice. Topics include strategic planning, work program development, project management techniques, budgeting, staffing, sustaining program support, and managing consultants and vendors. This course presents an overview of the successful and unsuccessful techniques for implementing GIS. Issues covered include how to gain organizational support and how to revive floundering GIS programs. The participants will be working in small discussion groups to address issues pertinent trial case studies. The course will be based on real world examples. It is a must for anyone embarking on a GIS project, involved with a less than satisfactory GIS, or who is seeking ways to improve a successful implementation.
Course Objectives:
- Introducing the GIS technology and its basic principles.
- Highlighting the link between GIS and the related sciences.
- An overview to the GIS package “ARC/VIEW”
- Discussing how to pick a proper Geographical Information System
- Understand what Is GIS Analysis for both vector and raster data models.
- Understand what are The vector GIS analysis functionality in single and multi-layer processing, and table processing
- Understand what are The raster GIS analysis functionality - interpolation, density, distance, local, math, reclass, surface, zonal.
- Understand GIS analysis problem-solving life cycle.
- Perform vector GIS analysis functions using ArcGIS desktop.
- Perform raster GIS analysis functions using ArcGlS desktop - raster buffering, allocation (proximity), cost weighted, shortest path, density, interpolate to raster, contour, slope, aspect, hilishade, viewshed, cut/fill generation, cell statistics, neighborhood statistics, zonal statistics, reclassify, raster calculation
- Model the problems of some sample applications and perform analysis using Arc GlS desktop and Spatial Analyst extension.
Who Should Attend?
Geologists, designers, municipal staff, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, cartographers, production engineers, Petrophysicists, planners, exploration and production managers, team leaders, and research scientists.
Course Outlines:
Bidding a GIS project:
- Introducing GIS Technology Advances
- Understanding and Formulating a Typical RFP
- Initiating the Formal Negotiation Process
Implementing the Project:
- Setting Milestones
- Managing Personnel
- Adopting Technology
- Tackling Problems
- Setting Expectations
Evaluation and Documentation
- Writing Deliverables
- Submitting Progress Reports
- Looking Ahead
Introduction to GIS
- What is GIS
- Organizing and Storing Data
- Overview of GIS Data and applications
- Exercise overview
- Data capture techniques
- Displaying data : Maps
- Displaying data : Symbology, Labelling
- Surveying and GIS (GPS, Remote Sensing)
- Exercises
Introduction to Database Design
- Database and Database management system.
- Working with Spatial Data, Database concepts
- Data formats
- Storing geographic data
- Tabular Data, images and Grids
- Exercise : Working with geographic data
- Editing Data
- Editing Functions
- Working with Sketches
- Working with attribute data
- Exercises
Continue training on how to use ArcGIS tabular data formats
- Working with tables
- Tables and Fields
- Linking feature attributes
- Table manipulation
- Graphs, Reports, and Table Relationships
- Working with georeferenced data
- Dereferencing
- Coordinate System
- Map Projections
- Types of projections
- Map scales
- Exercise
Introducing Querying and Presenting Data
- Querying Database
- Map Tips
- Finding and identifying features
- Measuring
- Selecting features
- Selection tools
- Attribute selections
- Exercise
Presenting Data
- Map design objectives
- Creating Maps
- Layouts
Setting up page