Foundational of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
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Foundational of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Course
Foundational of Oil & Gas Exploration and Production training course will provide participants with a solid all-around grounding in the technologies, concepts, methods, and language used in upstream oil and gas projects. The technical and commercial building blocks of oil and gas projects will be examined, and how a venture progresses; from the point of acquiring a license, through exploration, appraisal, concept selection, and the development phase, into production, late field life, and finally decommissioning.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the Foundational of Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Training course, you will be able to:
- Review the global make-up of the oil, gas and LNG-export industries, their jargon and challenges
- Discover petroleum exploration, drilling and evaluation/testing techniques and methods
- Appreciate reservoir engineering and the uncertainty surrounding resource/reserve estimation
- Understand field development planning techniques, economic assessments and reservoir management
- Gain awareness of basic petroleum geoscience, petrophysics and field appraisal
- Determine the basic components of production engineering, managing field decline, processing and refining
- Understand petroleum economics and appreciate the balance between commercial and technical risk, uncertainty and opportunity in a project lifecycle
- Review the design, construction, commissioning and decommissioning of facilities
Who Should Attend?
Foundational of Oil & Gas Exploration and Production training course, is ideal for:
- Professionals who need to learn about the industry
- Personnel within the industry
- Technical support staff entering the industry
- Technical staff who want to expand their understanding of the industry
- Students considering the industry as a career
Course Outlines:
Global energy context: oil and gas supply and demand
- Global energy and the transition to cleaner fuels
- Main producing regions – globally and locally
- Global supply vs demand – can we deliver?
- The exploration, development, and production value chain – an overview of the asset management cycle
- The role of LNG
- LNG development, production and liquefaction, including case examples and videos
- LNG construction, contracting, shipping, marketing, business models, economics
The petroleum system
- Basins, basin formation and plate tectonics
- Components of oil and gas accumulations – source, seal, reservoir and trap
- Petroleum provinces of the world – geological framework
- Gaining entry: exploration license types and agreements - Production sharing contracts vs. tax and royalty systems
Exploration methods
- Gravity and magnetics
- Seismic – 2D and 3D onshore and offshore
- Oil and gas volumetrics, reserves and risking
- Valuing a prospect – risking, NPV and expected monetary value
Drilling systems and techniques
- Types of drilling rigs – onshore and offshore
- The rotary system – conventional, top drive and rotary steerable
- Drilling fluids, types and functions
- Well planning considerations
- Drilling a well including well control
- Casing and cementing
- Things that can go wrong – stuck pipe, overpressures, lost circulation and kicks
- Mud logging
Reservoir description
- Reservoir rock types
- Depositional environments – the use of outcrop, analogues, well and seismic data
- Structures – faults, folds and fractures • Digenesis and reservoir property modifications
- Reservoir fluids and composition • Drive mechanisms – how does a well flow
- Volumetric estimates and reserves classification
- Well testing and reservoir surveillance – data gathering activities
- Reservoir modelling and simulation
Field appraisal
- Role of appraisal and uncertainty
- More data vs. a more flexible concept
- Appraisal planning
- The value of information
Concept selection and field development planning
- Defining requirements and specifications
- HSE requirements in field development
- From reservoir to surface – well completions and artificial lift
- Basic processing equipment
- The process flow scheme – from well head to refinery
- Facilities options and concepts – onshore/offshore
- Evacuation options
Petroleum economics
- Elements of a project cash flow and commercial indicators
- Discounting
- Production profiles into revenue
- Commercial risks, uncertainties, and opportunities
- Oil vs. gas
- Profitability indicators used for oil and gas projects
- Project screening and ranking
- Economics vs strategies – publicly traded companies vs. National oil and gas companies