Financial Statements Consolidation and Investment Accounting
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Financial Statements Consolidation and Investment Accounting Course
Consolidated financial statements are an essential part of the accounting process for group companies. This key information provides perspective on the entire business, something that is often lost when looking only at figures for the parent or a single subsidiary
The use of consolidated financial statements is key today for any organization operating within a group, no matter what stage the business is at. By opting to use consolidation software it’s possible to reduce the complexity of the process of preparing these statements and optimize the way that they are used as a result.
In Consolidated Financial Statements, the Financials of the parent company and its subsidiaries will be consolidated as if they are a single economic entity. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements involves highly technical and complicated procedures -
However, worry not - the Financial Statements Consolidation and Investment Accounting Training course will take you through step by step as to how consolidated financial statements are prepared.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Financial Statements Consolidation and Investment Accounting Course, you will be able to:
- Realize the way to consolidate Financial Statements.
- determine business consolidation and their related transactions.
- Identify business combinations and their related transactions.
- Apply the acquisition method for business combinations.
- set the acquisition strategy for business combinations.
- measuring goodwill and non-controlling interest.
- Classify distinctive sorts of financial tools and accounting strategies for each.
- Account for transactions as indicated by reasonable esteem technique, equity methods, and amortized cost.
- distinguish contrasts and likenesses between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the US Generally Accepted Accounting bases.
Who Should Attend?
This Financial Statements Consolidation and Investment Accounting Course is ideal for:
- Employees working in the accounting/finance department
- Students/employees want to expand their accounting/finance knowledge
Course Outlines:
Financial Instruments
- Divisions of Investments.
- Display of Financial tools.
- Characterizing accountability from Equity.
- Held-to-Maturity Debt Securities (HTM).
- Trading Securities.
- Available-for-Sale Securities (AFS).
- fair value option (FVO) for financial liabilities to be measured through profit or loss.
- identifying Fair Value.
- primary and following Measurement.
- recategorization and transmission among divisions.
- bands on Reclassifications.
- Derecognition of Financial tools.
- Accounting for Sales of Financial tools
- The Recent Accounting Updates According to IFRS
Investments in Associates
- Accounting Based on the Equity Method.
- Conditions when Cost procedure is usable.
- Distinctions in Financial Year.
- Intercompany Transactions among Investor and Investee.
- Accounting for a fractional Sale or further Purchase of Equity Investment.
- The shift in Standard of Ownership or Degree of Influence
- Accounting for Impairment.
Transactions Accounted for as Business Combinations
- determining a preparing business.
- frameworks of Business Combinations.
- IFRS and US GAAP importance.
Accounting for Business Combinations
- Setting the Acquisition Plan.
- Recognizing the Acquirer.
- Describing and measuring the recognizable sensible and insensible Assets. Acquired and Liabilities Assumed.
- Realizing and Measuring any Non-controlling Interest.
- Measuring the Consideration Transferred.
- Realizing and Measuring Goodwill or Gain from a Bargain Purchase.
- Earning Related Costs.
- Accounting for Gain on Bargain Purchase Option.
Consolidated Financial Statements
- Explaining “Control”.
- Diversities in Ownership Interest without disorder.
- diversities in Ownership Interest producing in Loss of Control.
- integration Procedures.
- Intercompany Transactions and Balances.
Post Combination Measurement and Accounting
- Reacquired Rights
- Contingent Liabilities
- Indemnification Assets
- Contingent Consideration
Goodwill and Gain on Bargain Purchase Options
- Measurement of Goodwill.
- Fragility of Goodwill.