Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and CO2 Injection
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Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and CO2 Injection Course
This is an intensive, applied course in enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The three main EOR processes covered are miscible flood (CO2 and miscible gas injection), chemical flood (micellar/polymer), and thermal recovery (steam injection and in-situ combustion). The physics of each EOR process will be covered in detail, including the fundamentals of reservoir fluid flow and recovery mechanisms. Each EOR process will be illustrated with an actual field example. Exercises in class will be conducted to estimate oil production forecasts with EOR.
Course Objectives:
How To:
- Distinguish rock and fluid characteristics that influence gas flooding recovery
- Understand key factors and process fundamentals that affect volumetric sweep and displacement efficiency
- Estimate key parameters through problem assignments and spreadsheets
- Specify components of a well-designed gas flooding process
- Evaluate each field project based on physical principles and select the proper solvent and injection scheme
- Use compositional simulation to address basic recovery mechanisms and perform process optimization
- Identify problems, key parameters, and trends from field case studies
Who Should Attend?
Petroleum engineers who want an in-depth knowledge of immiscible and miscible gas flooding techniques. The participant should have some basic knowledge of flow through porous media and should already understand water flooding fundamentals, including black-oil PVT behavior, Buckley-Leverett flow, and optimization of well placement based on reservoir characterization.
Course Outlines:
Introduction to EOR
- EOR methods (description, classification, and status), EOR reserves
- Screening criteria
- Environmental aspects of EOR methods
Microscopic fluid displacement in the reservoir
- Displacement forces in the reservoir
- Capillary, viscous and gravitational forces
- Factors affecting phase trapping
- Mobilization and displacement of trapped phases
Macroscopic fluid displacement in the reservoir
- Reservoir fluid PVT properties; rock properties
- Material balance
- Mobility ratio
- Displacement efficiency – Buckley-Leveret theory and Welge method
- Areal and vertical sweep efficiencies; oil recovery efficiency
Miscible displacement
- Miscible displacement
- Phase behavior during miscible displacement
- First-contact miscible (FCM) process; multiple-contact miscible (MCM) process
- Process description using ternary diagrams
- Minimum miscibility pressure or enrichment in MCM process
- Selection criteria and design procedures
Chemical flooding
- Micellar/polymer flood, Surfactant flood
- Factors affecting phase behavior and IFT
- Displacement mechanisms under chemical flood
- The analytical model of chemical flood
- Selection criteria and design procedures
Thermal oil recovery
- Thermal EOR processes
- Effect of temperature on oil viscosity, reservoir fluid, and rock properties
- Steam properties and steam generation
- Heat losses from surface steam injection lines
- Wellbore heat loss
- Cyclic steam injection – Bob erg-Lantz model
- Selection criteria and design procedures
- Steam flood – Marx-Langenheim,
- Insitu-combustion: Nelson and McNeil model
- Selection criteria and design procedures
- Reservoir characterization and phase behavior
- Flow regimes and sweep
- Immiscible gas/waterflood mechanisms
- First contact miscibility mechanisms
- Multi-contact miscibility mechanisms
- Reservoir simulation, WAG design, and performance forecasting
- Performance and monitoring of field projects