Authentic Leadership: Courage, Coaching and Ethics
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Authentic Leadership: Courage, Coaching and Ethics Course
What: To influence people in a positive way is to lead people for quality results. That's what "Coaching: Leadership Skills for Managers & Supervisors" is all about. This is a complete 5-day training program involving special coaching skills on how to succeed at getting support and measurable results from others. The program is conducted in a hands-on classroom environment of coached applications and instant feedback the only way to bring about genuine performance improvement in others. The skills are clear and measurable, not vague, soft, or hazy. Through actual doing, participants gain an immediate sense of success and confidence.
- Managers from all disciplines will benefit and senior executives may wish to participate as well.
- This program covers leadership and influencing skills as they apply to issues of willingness. Influencing is an intrinsic part of leadership. To inspire people to willingly commit to an outstanding performance requires leadership abilities that influence people in a positive manner
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Authentic Leadership: Courage, Coaching and Ethics training program, participants will be able to:
- Establish Common Goals for any conversation requiring cooperation and teamwork.
- Determine Willingness: Determine the other person's degree of willingness, acceptance, or "buy-in."
- Commitment: Know when you have commitment rather than just agreement, compliance or appeasement.
- Respect and Credibility: Prove respect and establish credibility with anyone in any frame of mind.
- Problem-Solving: Analyze a situation for accurate problem-solving.
- Resistance: Help remove defensiveness when dealing with resistance or differences.
- Elevate Viewpoints: Take people from a negative point of view to an open-minded (neutral) frame of mind, or higher.
- During this development process, we will be introducing supervisory and managerial procedures that, when used in concert with these influencing skills, will increase your overall effectiveness as a manager or supervisor.
Who Should Attend?
Professionals who have recently been promoted into their first management or supervisory role and technical experts, team leads and others, considering technical team managements a career option:
- Senior Engineers
- Team Leaders
- Supervisors
- Assistant Managers
- Managers
- Line Managers
- Team Managers
- Heads of Technical Departments
Course Outlines:
- Leadership as ability, not a job title. The leadership/coaching connection - why it is crucial in succeeding at getting support and measurable results from others. Verify intuitive skills and logical skill set.
Module 1:
- What Leaders Listen To That Others Do Not: A new look at logic, emotions and decision-making. Participants will be able to tell the degree to which others are following or not following them at any given moment. They will be able to accurately read degrees of buy-in or trust.
Module 2:
- How Leaders Establish Conversational Rapport Quickly: Credibility skills without using artificial techniques. Participants will gain the ability to prove respect for anyone's point of view, in a completely honest manner. They will be able to start a coaching session that generates openness and rapport.
Module 3:
- How Leaders Get the Key Facts: Analytical Business Skills: Superior diagnostic skills - clarifying needs, problems, and opportunities in-depth; leading others toward targeted solutions, and creating open-mindedness. Participants will be able to correctly analyze logical needs and tailor solutions to individual points of view.
Module 4:
- How Leaders Position (Align) Their Ideas: Intellectual and empathetic aligning as a personal skill. Participants will gain the ability to "follow" and reason with someone else's point of view. They will be able to position their ideas and coaching, both factually and emotionally, for a faster acceptance.
Module 5:
- How Leaders Get "Buy-In," Support and Commitment: Make yourself easy to follow when coaching a change in viewpoint. Participants will be able to lead - get followers - even in the face of initial resistance. They will learn, as an explicit skill and through proven implementation, how to inspire confidence in others.
Module 6:
- How Leaders Manage Resistance or Reluctance: Using leadership skills in high risk, high resistance situations. Participants will gain increased confidence and competence even in these situations.
Module 7:
- How to Bring About Commitments and Closure: Obtaining firm decisions from others; commitments versus agreements. Participants will learn to obtain mutual commitments instead of "maybes." Measurable skills linked to measurable business results.
- Coached Applications:
- Living Within the Rules
- Enhancing Average Performance
- Maintaining High Standards of Performance
- Coaching Job-Related Skills/Behaviors
- Evaluating Employee Performance
- Providing Corrective Feedback
- Motivating for Results
- Delegating
- Giving Directions
- Handling Employee Complaints
- Supporting Employees
- Praising Performance
- Preparing and Conducting Meetings
- Establishing a Working Relationship with Your Manager